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Tuesday, 21.01.2025
00:17 Minsk
Hotel Silver Thaler located in the city of Brest, the administrative center of the Brest region. Located in a quiet area near the city center, and not far from the train station. In a walking distance there are the Theatre of Drama and Music, Museum «Saved artistic value», church Exaltation of the Holy Cross and other attractions.
Accomodation / Conveniences / Facilities | The price for the room | ||
single 1-room Single WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, air conditioner, fridge, iron, phone, radio | Send order Breakfast is included | ||
double 1-room Double WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, air conditioner, fridge, iron, phone, radio | Send order Breakfast is included | ||
double 1-room / Twin Standard WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, air conditioner, fridge, iron, phone, radio | Send order Breakfast is included | ||
double 1-room junior suite WC, bath, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, air conditioner, double bed, fridge, iron, phone, radio | Send order Breakfast is included | ||
triple 1-room / Triple Standard WC, bath, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, air conditioner, double bed, fridge, iron, phone, radio | Send order Breakfast is included | ||
double 1-room superior mansard room with sofa / | Send order Breakfast is included | ||
double 1-room / Luxe WC, bath, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, air conditioner, double bed, fridge, iron, phone, radio | Send order Breakfast is included |
In the hotel the following credit cards are accepted for the payment of services
Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American ExpressThe price includes accommodation, use of TV and air conditioning in every room, Breakfast, parking for cars, WI-FI throughout the hotel.
Advice |
- included in the price
- included in the price, the limit is reached at an additional cost - for the additional price | x |
How to get to hotel Silver Thaler by public transport:
Transport shedule hotel Silver Thaler:
How to get to hotel Silver Thaler by car:
Free online ordering, payment, fast, reliable, comfortable
Ordering machines in convenient for You date and time, meeting at the train, bus or in the arrival hall, help with Luggage and currency exchange. Price for the whole car regardless of the number of passengers.
Book taxi in hotel Silver Thaler portal beltransfer.by
a taxi from the airport - To book a taxi