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Sunday, 26.01.2025
12:15 Minsk
Hotel Zelva is located in the urban settlement of Zelva, the administrative center of the Zelva district of the Grodno region, just 3 km from the railway station and 1 km from the bus station. Nearby are the cinema «Fieria», the restaurant «Zelvianka» and the cafe «Gannenski Padvorak», as well as a church and a catholic church. Convenient location in the center of the village makes the hotel an excellent choice for a comfortable stay and business trips. Here guests can enjoy both the amenities of the city infrastructure and local attractions.
Accomodation / Conveniences / Facilities | The price for the room | ||
single in a block (1+1) WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, cosmetics, kettle | Send order | ||
single 1-room WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, cosmetics, kettle | Send order | ||
2-ðlace in a block (2+2) WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, cosmetics, kettle | Send order | ||
double 1-room WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, cosmetics, kettle | Send order | ||
double 2-room ¹204 WC, bath, shower / TV, Wi-Fi, balcony, cosmetics, kettle | Send order | ||
double 2-room ¹202 WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, cosmetics, double bed, fridge, kettle | Send order |
In the hotel the following credit cards are accepted for the payment of services
ÁåëÊàðò, Visa Electron, Visa, Mastercard, MaestroAdvice |
- included in the price
- included in the price, the limit is reached at an additional cost - for the additional price | x |
How to get to hotel Zelva by public transport:
Transport shedule hotel Zelva:
How to get to hotel Zelva by car:
Free online ordering, payment, fast, reliable, comfortable
Ordering machines in convenient for You date and time, meeting at the train, bus or in the arrival hall, help with Luggage and currency exchange. Price for the whole car regardless of the number of passengers.
Book taxi in hotel Zelva portal beltransfer.by
a taxi from the airport - To book a taxi