Accomodation / Conveniences / Facilities | The price for the room | |
single 1-room / Single Standard WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, cosmetics, fridge
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single 1-room / Single Comfort possible 1 extra bed WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, cosmetics, fridge, phone
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double 1-room / Twin Standard possible accommodation for 1 person WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, cosmetics, fridge, phone
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double 1-room / Double Standard possible accommodation for 1 person WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, cosmetics, double bed, fridge, phone
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double 1-room / Twin Comfort WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, cosmetics, fridge, phone
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double 1-room / Double Comfort WC, bath, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, cosmetics, double bed, fridge, phone
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double 1-room / Studio possible 1 extra bed possible accommodation for 1 person WC, bath, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, cosmetics, fridge
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double 2-room / Luxe possible 1 extra bed possible accommodation for 1 person WC, bidet, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, cosmetics, double bed, fridge, phone
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double 3-room / Apartment possible 1 extra bed possible accommodation for 1 person WC, bidet, jakuzzi, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, air conditioner, bathrobe, cosmetics, double bed, fridge, kettle, kitchen, microwave oven, phone, slippers
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Photos are provided for reference. Equipment and a furniture arrangement is specified for typical numbers and can vary.