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Sunday, 19.01.2025
03:17 Minsk
Hotel Gubernskaya Vitebsk is located in historical city center of Vitebsk, in «an old city», nearby to coast of Zapadnaya Dvina. The building is recognized by an architectural monument of the XIX-th century. Marc Chagall`s house-museum is located nearby in which the artist has lived the most part of the Vitebsk period of the life; shopping centers and the Summer amphitheater where annually takes place the well-known international festival of arts «Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk».
There is also a
Accomodation / Conveniences / Facilities | The price for the room | ||
single 1-room in a block / economy in-block WC, in-block shower, in-block washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, fridge, hairdryer, kettle, mini bar, phone | |||
double 1-room / Economy-Comfort WC, shower, washstand / Wi-Fi, double bed, fridge, hairdryer, kettle, mini bar, phone | |||
double 1-room / Business WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, double bed, fridge, hairdryer, kettle, mini bar, phone | |||
double 2-room / Business Comfort WC, bidet, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, double bed, fridge, hairdryer, kettle, mini bar, phone | |||
double 3-room suite WC, bidet, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, double bed, fridge, hairdryer, kettle, kitchen, microwave oven, mini bar, phone |
In the hotel the following credit cards are accepted for the payment of services
ÁåëÊàðò, Visa Electron, Visa, Mastercard, MaestroThere is possible to book a room with improved service (bathrobe, slippers, bath accessories). Surcharge for an improved service is 9.00 BYN per person.
Advice |
- included in the price
- included in the price, the limit is reached at an additional cost - for the additional price | x |
How to get to hotel Gubernskaya Vitebsk by public transport:
Transport shedule hotel Gubernskaya Vitebsk:
How to get to hotel Gubernskaya Vitebsk by car:
Free online ordering, payment, fast, reliable, comfortable
Ordering machines in convenient for You date and time, meeting at the train, bus or in the arrival hall, help with Luggage and currency exchange. Price for the whole car regardless of the number of passengers.
Book taxi in hotel Gubernskaya Vitebsk portal beltransfer.by
a taxi from the airport - To book a taxi