Hotel's category - 1 category

1 category

The hotel of every category must have comfortable access communications with necessary road index, improved and illuminated land, a territory with hard surface for short-time parking and manoeuvring of transport (including buses), a signboard with the name of the enterprise and its category, having a separate entrance in a restaurant - a signboard with its name.

The hotel that occupies only a part of building must have a separate entrance. There should be emergency exit, stairs, remarkable informative indexes that provide an easy finding of guests in usual and extreme situations.

The hotel must be kitted out with systems and outfits that provide water supply; in districts with irregular water supply the hotel must have a special content for minimal reserve of the water for a day; canalization; heating; airing; radio broadcasting and television (supply to every room); telephonic communication; illumination in rooms and halls.

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1 category, hotels of Belarus