Service is part of the (department) Belarusian tour operator - Private research-and-production unitary enterprise "Automated tourism technologies", travel services that match the requirements of STB 1352.
How to fill out an application for a reservation in the hotels of Belarus on the website
Book tours to hotels in Belarus consists of five main sections:
- Date of arrival - necessary settlement date and check-out from the hotel, number of nights stay at the hotel.
- Room Preference - You need to
choose the number and category of rooms, that you want to book. The drop-down list displays all
categories of rooms are available for booking any period.
- Total guests - select from a list of the number of adults and children, make full name (enter a whole) and the year of birth of each guest.
- Contact Information:
- select from the list of the country and city where you live. If your location is not listed, select the name of the country, other - You will have an additional field where you have to write the name of their village. If this is the countryside - do not forget to specify the area and the region. If you live in one country and a citizen of another (eg a citizen of Belarus, who lives in Russia), be sure specify it in Additional Information section,
- enter phone numbers (home and cell) international code, sharing code and number of gaps,
- carefully fill in address e-mail (e-mail). Before you submit an application, check to see if your mail box.
- Optional - must inform the estimated time of check-out from the hotel, as a rule for settlement to the eviction and after checkout time, guests will be charged for half a day of residence. You can also ask a question, make additional comments on the placement and report necessary information professionals of the booking department.
Fill Required fields, carefully check the information, and then click Order
Time schedule of the booking department:
time of |
weekend |
mode |
Call for reservations |
24h |
daily |
automatically |
Application Processing |
9.00 - 19.00 |
Mon - Sat |
department specialists |
Accounting |
9.00-12.30, 13.30-18.00 |
Sat, Sun |
accounting staff |
The booking department by Belarusian tour operator PRPUE "Automated tourism technologies" offers contact with our specialists using popular applications, services on your smartphone by phone number +37529-766-66-53 (Viber, Whatsapp, Skype, Telegram).
Additional instructions, if necessary, at your request will be sent to you by experts of the booking department.