14 October 2019 ¹ 699
On measures to implement the Presidential Decree
of Republic of Belarus dated August 7, 2019 ¹ 300
Based on the second part of paragraph 4 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of August 7, 2019 No. 300 «On establishing a visa-free entry and exit procedure for foreign citizens» Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
1. To approve the Regulation on the procedure for citizens to visit visa-free territory «Brest - Grodno», as well as territories of the districts of Brest and Grodno regions that are not part of this territory (attached).
2. Establish:
form of a document providing citizens with the right to an individual visit to a visa-free territory «Brest - Grodno», according to annex 1;
form of a document providing citizens with the right to group visits to visa-free territory «Brest - Grodno», as well as territories of districts of the Brest and Grodno regions that are not part of this territory, according to the appendix 2.
3. Recognize invalid the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus from 28 December 2017 ¹ 1017 «On measures to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of December 26, 2017 ¹ 462».
4. This resolution shall enter into force on November 10, 2019.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus |
S. Rumas |
Decree of
Council of Ministers
Republic of Belarus
14.10.2019 ¹ 699
on the procedure for citizens to visit visa-free territory «Brest - Grodno»,
as well as territories of the districts of Brest and Grodno regions,
not part of this territory
1. This Regulation determines the procedure for citizens to visit the states defined in Appendix 1 to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of August 7, 2019. ¹ 300 (hereinafter referred to as citizens), for tourism purposes for up to fifteen days of the following territories on which a visa-free entry and exit procedure is valid (hereinafter, unless otherwise specified, visa-free territories):
visa-free territory «Brest - Grodno» – for individual visits by citizens of this territory;
visa-free territory «Brest - Grodno», as well as territories of districts of the Brest and Grodno regions that are not part of this territory - when a group visits these territories when following a tourist travel route.
2. Citizens enter the Republic of Belarus to visit visa-free territories, and citizens leave the Republic of Belarus at checkpoints across the State border of the Republic of Belarus, as defined in Appendix 2 to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of August 7, 2019. ¹ 300.
3. Length of stay of citizens with visa-free entry to the Republic of Belarus and departure from the Republic of Belarus at checkpoints across the State border of the Republic of Belarus, as defined in Appendix 2 to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of August 7, 2019. ¹ 300, is the duration of the tour implemented by the subject of tourism, providing services on visa-free territory (hereinafter - the subject of tourism).
When citizens purchase additional tourism services * the period of stay at the request of citizens is extended by the subjects of tourism activities. In this case, the subject of tourism sends a corresponding notice to the Ministry of Sports and Tourism or its authorized body (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body) in accordance with the procedure established in the fourth part of paragraph 10 of these Regulations.
The term of the tour, including when extending it, must not exceed the period established in paragraph 1 of these Regulations.
* For the purposes of this Regulation, additional tourist services are understood to be tourism services, the acquisition of which in the framework of the tour implemented by the tourist entity entails an increase in the length of stay of citizens (additional excursions, transfer services, medical and other services with the obligatory inclusion of additional accommodation in a hotel or similar accommodation facility , as well as living in an agro-eco-homestead).
4. Territories making up a visa-free territory «Brest - Grodno», determined by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of August 7, 2019 ¹ 300.
5. Citizens arrive on visa-free territory on the basis of:
a valid passport or other document replacing it, intended for traveling abroad and issued by the relevant body of the state of nationality or an international organization (hereinafter - the document for traveling abroad);
document granting citizens the right to visit a visa-free territory, in the form established in accordance with Appendix 1 or 2 to the resolution approving this Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the document on the right to visit), subject to the availability of information about such a document in the automated system of border control of border authorities.
Document on the right to visit gives citizens the right to a single entry into the Republic of Belarus and exit from the Republic of Belarus.
6. In the interests of citizens who intend to book, ordering or ordering tourist services, the provision of which allows you to make a tourist trip on a visa-free territory, documents for the right to visit can be filled out in a foreign language.
The text of documents for the right to visit in a foreign language must correspond to the text of such documents in Russian or Belarusian.
7. There is no fee for filling out and (or) issuing documents for the right to visit.
8. Citizens submit to the subjects of tourism activities in electronic or written form the following information:
last name, first name, patronymic (if any));
date, month, year of birth;
series, document number for traveling abroad;
contact details (email address, mobile number);
date of the proposed entry for visiting the visa-free territory, corresponding to the start date of the tourist trip in accordance with the concluded agreement, on the basis of which the tour is implemented.
Information in the document for the right to visit is entered by the subject of tourist activity in Latin transcription in accordance with the machine-readable zone of the document for traveling abroad.
Document on the right to visit is issued by the subject of tourism with the subsequent transfer of relevant information in electronic form to the authorized body no later than 72 hours before the estimated time of entry into the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
Along with the information provided for in the third part of this paragraph, the tourist subject sends to the authorized body information about himself, the date and number of the agreement on the basis of which the tour is implemented, on the tourist services provided, indicating the address of the location of accommodation facilities and the number of nights for citizens to stay in them , the cost of tourism services, the method and time of payment.
Authorized body confirms the receipt from the subject of tourism activities of the information provided for in parts three and four of this paragraph, no later than 24 hours from the date of receipt.
The authorized body ensures the transfer to the State Border Committee and internal affairs bodies in electronic form via technical communication channels or on an external medium of information about citizens who have documents for the right to visit no later than 24 hours before the estimated time of entry into the territory of the Republic of Belarus. The format for the submission of such information is determined in the framework of a joint agreement between the authorized body, border guards and internal affairs bodies.
If the actual entry into the territory of the Republic of Belarus is not made before the end of the tourist trip in accordance with the concluded agreement, on the basis of which the tour is implemented, the document for the right to visit is canceled.
9. Visits by citizens to a visa-free territory are organized by tourism entities that have a certificate of conformity of tourism services received in the voluntary confirmation of compliance.
10. When planning the entry of citizens into the Republic of Belarus, the departure of citizens from the Republic of Belarus as part of tourist groups, subjects of tourism activities that meet the requirements of paragraph 9 of these Regulations are required to include information in the tourist travel program:
about the date and number of the concluded agreement, on the basis of which the tour is realized, the cost of tourist services, the method and time of their payment, the route of the tourist trip, the date and time of its beginning and end;
on prospective brands and state numbers of vehicles transporting citizens as part of a tourist group;
on tourism services provided, indicating the address of the location of accommodation facilities and the number of nights of citizens' stay in them;
on places of entry into the Republic of Belarus and exit from the Republic of Belarus.
A tourist travel route within the territory of the Republic of Belarus should begin and end at checkpoints located on a visa-free territory «Brest - Grodno».
The subject of tourist activity has the right to change the route of tourist travel of citizens as part of a tourist group within the visa-free territory due to unforeseen circumstances or security requirements.
When changing the route of a tourist trip due to unforeseen circumstances or safety requirements, the subject of tourist activity makes changes to the document for the right to visit, and also immediately informs the authorized body about such changes.
Upon receipt of information about a change in the route of a tourist trip due to unforeseen circumstances or security requirements, the authorized body shall not later than 24 hours from the receipt of such information ensure its electronic transmission to the State Border Committee and internal affairs bodies.
11. When providing tourist services to citizens as part of tourist groups, the leader of the tourist group, who is the representative of the subject of tourist activity, should be included in its composition.
12. The costs associated with the deportation or expulsion of citizens are paid at the expense of citizens or tourism entities that issued a document for the right to visit, in the manner prescribed by law.
13. Citizens who are on visa-free territory and who have lost a document on the right to visit, turn to the subject of tourism activities that provided tourism services, for a duplicate of such a document.
14. Citizens who are on visa-free territory and who have lost a document for traveling abroad apply to the nearest internal affairs body located on a visa-free territory.
15. Before a diplomatic mission or a consular post of a citizen’s citizen draws up a document for leaving the Republic of Belarus based on the results of verification by the internal affairs body, a certificate is issued confirming the identity of the foreign citizen or stateless person in the form approved by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 10, 2010 ¹ 892.
16. Citizens entering the Republic of Belarus on the basis of a document on the right to visit are required to stay only on visa-free territory.
17. Entrance to the border strip and border zone of visa-free territory «Brest - Grodno», temporary stay and movement of citizens having documents specified in the first paragraph of clause 5 of these Regulations on this territory is carried out within the roads, designated tourist routes (bicycle, pedestrian, water and others), agreed with the territorial bodies of the border service.
18. Citizens visiting a visa-free territory are required to leave the Republic of Belarus before the expiration of their stay on the completed tour.
19. In the event of natural disasters, accidents or emergencies of a natural or technogenic nature, illness or health condition, other unforeseen circumstances that prevent a citizen from leaving the Republic of Belarus before the expiration of the period of stay specified in paragraph 1 of this Regulation, the citizen or his representative shall contact the nearest authority of internal affairs with a statement on the extension of the period of temporary stay and registration.
When extending the period of temporary stay, the internal affairs body shall issue a citizen a visa to leave the Republic of Belarus, unless otherwise specified by international treaties of the Republic of Belarus.
In the cases referred to in this paragraph, citizens shall depart at any international checkpoint across the State border of the Republic of Belarus.
20. Control over the stay in the Republic of Belarus of citizens who have entered on the basis of a document on the right to visit is carried out by the bodies of internal affairs, border service and state security.
When identifying citizens who have left the visa-free territory or who have deviated from the tourist travel route, with the exception of the cases provided for in the third part of clause 10 of these Regulations, from leaving the Republic of Belarus at the established time, by the internal affairs bodies, border service, state security in accordance with their competence considers the issue of bringing to administrative responsibility for violation of the law on the legal status of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship Nationalities in the Republic of Belarus.
Subjects of tourist activity are obliged to inform the nearest internal affairs body about citizens who deviate from the tourist travel route and do not contact for more than one day.
Useful links:
Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus On the establishment of a visa-free order of entrance and departure of foreign citizens from dated January 9, 2017 ¹8Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus On the establishment of a visa-free procedure for entry and exit of foreign citizens dated August 7, 2019 ¹300
Agreement on the provision of medical assistance to citizens of member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States
Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus On changing the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated July 24, 2018 ¹295
Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus on the introduction of a temporary visa-free regime for 35 European countries