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General information about toll roads in Belarus and system Beltoll / ÁåëÒîëë
A fee is provided for the passage of motor vehicles of foreign states on the roads of the Republic of Belarus. The amount of the fee depends on the vehicle category and the distance traveled.
From the 1 August, 2013 was introduced electronic payment system for toll highways. The entrance to the toll road sections is marked with the sign "Toll road". And completion of toll stations - "End of toll road"
BelToll / ÁåëÒîëë - is an electronic system for collecting tolls on a toll road based on the use of technologies specialized communication for short distances. The electronic toll collection system in free multi-lane traffic ensures the exchange of information between the transceivers installed on the toll portals and the on-board devices, which allows the collection of payments from road users automatically, without the need to reduce speed or select a specific lane.
The legal basis for the development of the Belarusian toll collection system BelToll / ÁåëÒîëë is the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 27 September, 2012 ¹ 426 "On certain issues of the electronic toll collection system for vehicles on certain roads of the Republic of Belarus".
The total length of toll roads is 1,613 km.
Work with system BelToll / ÁåëÒîëë
Before using BelToll system, vehicle owners must complete the following steps:
Map of toll roads in Belarus and service points you can see here.
Transport fares
According to the Resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus dated May 16, 2023 No. 24 "On amending the Resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus dated June 17, 2013 No. 21" the following tariffs have been established for calculating the amount of payment for travel of vehicles on toll roads depending on the technically permissible total weight of the vehicle means and number of axes:
* An electronic vignette paid for a calendar year is valid from January 1 to December 31 of the corresponding year, as well as during the last 15 calendar days of the previous year and the first 15 calendar days of the following year.
Vehicles registered in the territory of the member States of the Eurasian economic Union (EAEU) with technically permissible total mass no more than 3,5 tons are exempt from toll roads. Mopeds and motorbikes are also exempted from toll roads in Belarus.
Registration in the system BelToll / ÁåëÒîëë
You can register in system BelToll / ÁåëÒîëë in the section "Registration". After registration owner of vehicles enters into a contract, which specifies terms of use toll road. To sign the contract, you must visit any of the service points. If the owner of the vehicle does not conclude the contract of use of the toll road, the contract is considered concluded from the moment of departure of the vehicle on the toll road.
In system BelToll / ÁåëÒîëë provides for the conclusion of the contract in the payment mode in fact (for vehicles with a total mass of more than 3.5 tons) or in the prepayments (for vehicles with a total mass not exceeding 3.5 tons). Prepayment mode is recommended for drivers of vehicles that are rarely used toll road.
SMS-request of balance check
From the 7 February, 2018 users of the system Beltoll / ÁåëÒîëë can check ballance yourself with the help of SMS-request from mobile phone. You may send SMS on number +375 29 222 07 07 with the text in the format: BELTOLL#ID clients#IDcontract. Information for fill the margins «ID clients» and «ID contract» you can see in the contract of using toll road. All neccessary information you can see by the operator of Infoline on number +375 172 798 798. SMS-request are available for all contracts, which are serviced by the prepayment.
Transport fares on toll roads
Transport fares on toll roads in the system BelToll / ÁåëÒîëë is based according to the contract. In order to pay the fare, the driver must be registered in the system BelToll / ÁåëÒîëë. As well the owner of the vehicle can contact the service point of the electronic toll collection system BelToll / ÁåëÒîëë, which are located near road border crossings, along the toll roads and in all regional centers of the Republic. Points work in the 24 hours a day. A list of border crossings on the border of the Republic of Belarus here.
In visa-free zones of the Republic of Belarus the largest highways include in the system of toll roads Beltoll / ÁåëÒîëë. You can see more information about visa-free regime for entry in the Republic of Belarus on the web portal belarus-online.by/visafree.
In the regime of prepayment before using of toll road it's neccessary to make a prepayment. Transport fares on the regime of prepayment, as for the passage, it will be possible deposit only in BYN at the established rates in euros at the official rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of payment.
You can pay the fare in cash or by Bank transfer.
Calculate the amount of payment for the fare on the toll road, you can use Calculator payments, which allows calculate the size of the pay for road tolls.
When approaching the zero balance, the on-board device will start to signal this. In such situations, you should visit the nearest service center clients and top up your balance.
Electronic payment device (vehicle unit)
It is possible to receive the onboard device after registration of transport funds in the BelToll system / Beltoll and making the necessary collateral value:
The vehicle unit is mounted on the windshield of the car and when the vehicle passes under the portals collecting fees provides write-offs for travel.
Some vehicles have so-called metallic or insulated windshield. If the car is equipped with thermal glass, the user should check with the manufacturer in advance where the metallization-free zone is located and place the device according to the user Manual.
Each time you pass under a toll station, the device should emit one beep. If there is no signal or the device emits more than one signal - it is recommended to stop driving on the toll road, because the first fine of 100 euros has already been entered into the system, so you need to apply immediately to the nearest service point, having previously called the information line +375 172 798 798 and registered your request. From May 1, 2020, users of toll roads in Belarus have access to a function that allows them to receive notifications of violations and pay for them at a one-time rate within two hours, thereby avoiding the collection of increased fees. You can activate the SMS notification of violations and (or) the automatic payment of tolls at a one-time rate in your Personal Account on the website BelToll.
Occurrences types
In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, each incident is assigned a certain type. For 2-hour time basis accidents are grouped into violations. The type of violation is determined by the most serious incident in the violation, according to which the amount of the fine is determined.
The type of incident is indicated by a number in The Appendix to the Act of violation. Additionally, the decoding of the value of each digit corresponding to different digits is provided the types of incidents. As a result, the following types of incidents are identified in the system BelToll / ÁåëÒîëë:
When you try to drive on a toll road without a vehicle unit or insufficient funds in the account, the system transmits data about the offender to the transport inspection of the Ministry of transport and communications of the Republic of Belarus, which collects payment in compulsory mode and in an increased amount.
Traffic rules
Traffic of vehicles is carried out on the roads for cars and highways, which are designated by appropriate traffic signs. Please note that the roads and motorways are only accessible by vehicles, which can reach speeds of more than 40 km/h. on the carriageway reverse movement is forbidden, on highways towing of the vehicle is also forbidden (if evacuation, you must leave the motorway at the next exit). U-turn and entry into the gaps of the dividing strip is allowed only in places designated by the road sign «Place to turn», «Zone for turn».
Stops for vehicles are marked with road signs «Stopping», «Vacation spot». Also, the means of transportation can stop on the right in the course movement the roadside, in its absence or impossibility to stop on it - at the edge of the carriageway parallel to the roads (outside towns it is allowed only stop vehicles), on the left side of the bus stop is possible with one-way traffic, and in the absence of the roadside or inability to stop on it - at the left edge of the carriageway in the presence there of the sidewalk which is directly adjacent to the carriageway of the road, and in settlements-also on the road with one lane for each direction without tram tracks in the middle.
Stopping for more than 5 minutes and parking of the vehicle, including in the places specially reserved for rest, shall be carried out with the idle engine. Places where stopping and parking are prohibited:
on the sidewalks in designated areas, lawns and others.
Inclusion of the emergency light alarm system at a stop and parking in the forbidden places doesn't exempt from responsibility for violation of traffic regulations.
The carriage of children in a passenger car equipped with safety belts shall be carried out using child restraints appropriate to weight and height of the child and other means allowing to fasten safely the child by means of the safety belts provided by the design of the vehicle, – under the age of twelve.
Speed limit
Standard speed limits in Belarus:
Vehicles driven by drivers with driving experience of up to 2 years — no more 70 km/h.
In the zone of the sign "Living area" speed of vehicles must not exceed 20 km/h.
Maximum permissible speed for vehicles with a permissible mass of up to 3.5 tons on the highway Brest-Minsk-boarder RF (M1/Å30) — 120 km/h (accompanied by appropriate signs).
Speed limit was raised to 120 km/h on the next sites of highways:
With the exception of sections of the named roads that are in the vicinity:
Also increased to 100 km/h the speed of vehicles on some sections of MRAR.
Car insurance and «Green card»
In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, each owner he is obliged to insure his vehicle, that is, in the case of an accident due to the fault of the owner to issue civil liability insurance. Insurance the car can be of several types, each of which has its own characteristics.
At the entrance to the territory of the Republic of Belarus the driver is obliged to have at itself the contract of insurance «Green card», that provides right of entry to the territory of Belarus in his car. «Green card» provides liability insurance for causing damage to third parties. Foreign citizens can sign a contract border insurance in all border crossing checkpoints. «Green card» it must be valid for the entire period of stay of the car of Belarus, but for a period of time not less than 15 days, for a shorter period can not be issued.
The insurance premium under the «Green card» insurance contract is paid in freely convertible currency ($, euros). If the insurance period of «Green card» is over, and You need to stay in Belarus for some time, You need to conclude an internal insurance contract of civil liability of car owners, which can be issued in almost any insurance company.
Videos of roads in Belarus
You can also see the video of the roads of Belarus.
Watch a video of other ways you can here.
There are still questions - call the Infoline system BelToll / ÁåëÒîëë on number +375-172-798-798 or send an e-mail to info@beltoll.by.